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This site is maintained by RailsBridge volunteers. If you find something that could be improved, please make a [pull request](https://github.com/railsbridge/docs) or [drop us a note](https://github.com/railsbridge/docs/issues/new) via GitHub Issues (no technical knowledge required).

Going through this curriculum on your own? You can get help on <a href="http://discourse.bridgefoundry.org/c/railsbridge-help" target="_blank">our Discourse forum</a>. (Volunteers to answer questions always needed, too!)

h1 'Setup'

site_desc 'installfest', <<-MARKDOWN
Instructions for installing Ruby and Rails on your computer. You need to complete these steps before starting a Rails workshop!

h1 'Rails'

site_desc 'intro-to-rails', <<-MARKDOWN
The "classic" RailsBridge curriculum (Suggestotron). Takes you step-by-step through making a Rails app, one command at a time, using helpers like `rails generate scaffold`, and deploying that app to the Internet.

site_desc 'job-board', <<-MARKDOWN
Build a simple job board from scratch with a little less of the magic of Rails scaffolding. This curriculum is great for a second or third RailsBridge attendee or for students who want to focus on how the app is wired together. (This curriculum doesn't include deploying to the Internet.)

site_desc 'message-board', <<-MARKDOWN
Build a message board! This curriculum is for students who have completed the Suggestotron and the Job Board curricula. This curriculum is a challenge because it won't tell you what to type in!

site_desc 'testing-rails-applications', <<-MARKDOWN
Increase the stability of your Rails app by learning about tests: what they are, why they're used, and how to use them! This curriculum is for students who have completed the Suggestotron, the Job Board, and the Message Board curricula. There will be challenges!

h1 'Frontend'

site_desc 'frontend', <<-MARKDOWN
HTML + CSS for beginners. Make a website, no server required!

h1 'Javascript'

site_desc 'javascript-snake-game', <<-MARKDOWN
A beginner Javascript specific curriculum that walks you through building a simple game.

site_desc 'javascript-to-do-list', <<-MARKDOWN
An intermediate all JavaScript curriculum that builds a simple to do list application using AJAX and jQuery.

site_desc 'javascript-to-do-list-with-react', <<-MARKDOWN
An advanced all JavaScript curriculum that builds a simple to do list application using AJAX, jQuery, and React. Meant for
students with some exposure to JavaScript.

h1 'Ruby'

site_desc 'learn-to-code', <<-MARKDOWN
A course which teaches how to code from the ground up, using Alex's [Learn To Code In Ruby](http://codelikethis.com/lessons/learn_to_code) curriculum. It's geared towards people who may never have written code before and teaches just enough Ruby to get across basic principles like variables, objects, and the command line.

site_desc 'ruby', <<-MARKDOWN
A ruby-specific curriculum, expanded from the "Ruby for Beginners" slide deck. Still new, with room for your contributions.

h1 'Other'

site_desc 'workshop', <<-MARKDOWN
The Railsbridge junkyard! Slide decks for opening/closing presentations, teacher training.

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# RailsBridge curriculum-related FAQ

### Can I use the RailsBridge curricula at my event?

Anyone can use this site! It's under a Creative Commons license ([CC-BY,  specifically](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/)), which means you're welcome to share, remix, or use our content commercially. We just ask for attribution.

Slightly different: if you're organizing an event and wonder if it could be considered a RailsBridge Workshop, we have two requirements:

* The event should be free of charge.
* The event should target a group of people that is underrepresented in tech, such as LGBTQ folks, women, black or latinx people, or others.

If you're not doing those two things, you can totally still use the site, we just ask that you not call your event a RailsBridge workshop.
(Charity workshops have used "Rails Workshop featuring the RailsBridge curriculum" in the past, which is neat.)

### I want to help, but I don't know how.

First, [make a GitHub account](https://github.com). Then, [create an issue](https://github.com/railsbridge/docs/issues) with the idea you have. We'll help you turn it into reality (assuming it's in line with our lofty goals :D).

Don't know what you could work on? Browse the [issues list](https://github.com/railsbridge/docs/issues) and the [Volunteer Opportunities List](https://github.com/railsbridge/docs/wiki/RailsBridge-Volunteer-Opportunities). Those have lots of ideas.

### I have a different question about RailsBridge.

The [RailsBridge website](http://www.railsbridge.org) probably has an answer!